Friday, November 25, 2011

Is tennis a popular daily sport for american teenagers?

what percentage of teenagers play tennis. do they have tennis courts in all areasIs tennis a popular daily sport for american teenagers?
I'm surprised by the answers so far.

First, the percentage who play daily is quite small. I'd guess well under 1% who play daily.

Those who do play daily almost always have friends or family who play and who encourage them. Even those who play high school tennis often play only during the season.

Those who do play daily are likely to be serious about getting good, and will usually be taking lessons somewhere and often will belong to a tennis club.

And yes, there is hardly an area where tennis courts are not available. In colder climates, there are indoor facilities that allow year-round play.Is tennis a popular daily sport for american teenagers?
only the rich preppies
ya a lil bit but a game not in a gud majority
No not really but it depends on where your from because tennis should be played in a warm climate like california or florida
ya i guess
not daily, nor mainstream, but I'm not saying you wont find teens that do play.
i dunno bout otha regions in america but down south no one really plays tennis
I Play tennis.... it's fun and i live in texas... Yes many people think that tennis is girly but if you actualy go to a highschool game where there are boys playing you will see that it isnt a sissy sport.... but thats my opinion and everyone else from where i am from....

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