Friday, November 25, 2011

Appropriate punishment for teenagers? Snorting tabasco?

When they break curfew or mouth off I make them either take a spoonful of cayenne pepper and tabasco sauce, or I make them snort it. While this may sound unconventional, it does get the job done and instill a respect for the LAW OF GOD into my children. Is this an appropriate punishment for my children? I have a 12 yo boy, 13 yo girl, 6 year old twin girls, a 17 year old boy and just gave birth to a new baby. Is this a good punishment for them?Appropriate punishment for teenagers? Snorting tabasco?
ABSOLUTELY NOT. This is child abuse, and you know it,

which is why you are writing this question in the first place.

I am hoping this is not a real question but rather some college kids' idea of a prank question....

But if not, give me your name and address and I will happily report you to Child Protective Services. I am sure they will have a strong opinion on this form of ';punishment'; a.k.a. ABUSE....

You need some parenting classes and to get a grip if you think forcing your children to ';snort'; tabasco sauce or cayenne pepper is going to help them in some way. You are being cruel and inhumane. Aside from how wrong this is, your childen will one day hate you for what you are doing to them, if they don't already.Appropriate punishment for teenagers? Snorting tabasco?
No that is not good at all that could cause medical problems, especially snorting it. You need to figure something else out, that is horrible to do to your children.
no of course not what ever made you think this was a reasonable punishment! u shouldve been asking this question BEFORE you ever had your children do this! and you should stop doing it before one of your kids gets smart and realizes they can call CPS on you
NO! That hurts like hell! It will give your kids moderate to severe medical problems! CHILD ABUSER!
No dont make them snort it bc it teaches bad things and bc u can burn their nose cavities up %26amp; they will have to go in and fix that... take something away from them or something they want to do %26amp; DONT GIVE IN
No this is wrong its cruel and they could be removed from youre mom ..God does not sanction this ...

if you must choose a harsh punishment choose spanking i dont mean beat them ....but its is better than what you are doing ..
yea that will make you mom of the year. congrats.

edit - thanks for the message! I apperciate. i'll share with anyone else who cares

From: Lll L

Subject: getting knocked up is quite an accomplishment, eh?

Message: yup. indeed it is.

and here's a little correction on your grammar:

this is how it looked:

My profile is now set to private because I think I may have finally acquired a troll who likes to report me. If you find out who they are, let me know I'd love to be their friend.

this is how it should look:

My profile is now set to private, because I think I may have finally acquired a troll who likes to report me. If you find out who they are, let me know; I'd love to be their friend.

I guess you are too busy taking care of your little accidents. I mean ';unexpected miracles';
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