Friday, November 25, 2011

Were four teenagers who want to do something badass before the summer ends, with no car and money?

we just want to do something exciting and were pretty old so anything will workWere four teenagers who want to do something badass before the summer ends, with no car and money?
no money.. no car... sucks for you :]

nah im kidding.. are you boys or girls. or both?

sneak out your house late at night morning whatever and go to a party!!! a rave or somthing thats all night.Were four teenagers who want to do something badass before the summer ends, with no car and money?
put up THOUSANDS of Post Its on a someone you knows car as a prank

streak across a live football field game

well, i tried to help and i get a TD? ohh, you guys piss me off :)
Watch Improv everywhere videos on youtube and get some ideas from them.

Write a book, form a band.
go 2 a junk yard and ask the guy there if you can all wreak a car! you can get them for as low as $40! hey its alot of fun and its exiting! try it! i have its SOOOOO much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
egg someone's house?
hmmm? idk maybe try some tresspassing--but you might get caught
sneak out. meet somewhere, take a train or taxi or whatever, and go to some city, and turn your phones off. =]
no car? AND no money?

ur pretty SOL

Oh my God you should go to the Library and read, that is so badass!!

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