Friday, July 30, 2010

Can chubby teenagers still grow tall, or do they have to be skinny or slim?

Although i think diet helps, it's about a 95% to 5% split of genetics to diet. I'm 22 now, and i was always a chubby kid and teenager and i still grew to 6'3.

Basically you can't choose to be tall or not, our genetics have already decided that for us.Can chubby teenagers still grow tall, or do they have to be skinny or slim?
Yes, they need to watch what they eat and exercise.

Your growth will be determined by two factors.

Genes and a proper diet.Can chubby teenagers still grow tall, or do they have to be skinny or slim?
lol yea they will, i dont htink it works like that ha. everyonewhos young enough will grow regardless of weight
hell yh im 13 stone but im 6 foot. ive always been fat. when you get to 14-15 you shoot up.

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