Friday, July 30, 2010

How is the internet having an influence on teenagers?

1. Quick, easy stimuli, affects how patient teens and people in general are.

2. Easy access to illegal things. Doesn't CAUSE teens to buy or use illegal stuff, but makes it easier.

3. Easier way to bully - cyber bullying.

4. Easier to meet new people - good or bad, through myspace, chat rooms

5. Easier to find parties

6. Easier access to counter-cultures like gangs

7. Easier ways to gain ideas, good or bad, like learning how to make a bomb or how an engine works

8. Desensitization to violence and sex, since it's everywhere and free

9. Video game addiction - free online games or pay games

10. Lowered social skills - online is not real people

11. Constant advertisements - corporate culture, yay!

I think it affects teens the same way as anyone, but a big theme is it makes it easier to get pretty much anything and I think the internet removes us one more step from society even though it could be a way to get in touch with new ideas and cultures.How is the internet having an influence on teenagers?
easy access to information for homework, essays, projects, ect.

connects people around the world.

we can talk to people from the other side of the world

leaning more about other cultures and countries that we didnt know about before

and lots of fun stuff, like aim and youtube and all that.

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