Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What is the ratio of teenagers that become pregnant? Just curios.?

A ratio please. What is the ratio of teenagers that become pregnant? Just curios.?
Half a Million 鈥?br>

There are nearly half a million children born to teenage mothers each year.

鈥?about 850,000 鈥?br>

The number of teen pregnancies each year.

鈥?35% 鈥?br>

The number of girls who become pregnant at least once before reaching 20.

鈥?52 鈥?br>

The number of teen girls who become pregnant every hour.

鈥?2 鈥?br>

The number of people it takes to cause a teenage pregnancy. You both have to be responsible.

鈥?34 鈥?br>

The percentage of teen mothers who are under 18-years-old.

鈥?4 in 10 鈥?br>

The number of teen mothers, under 18, who finish high school.

What is the ratio of teenagers that become pregnant? Just curios.?
in the usa the number of teens that have gotten pregnant the past year is very high. im a teen mom and the fuckers that say we screwed up our lives are wrong i love my daughter and am very happy im still in school getting my highschool dipoloma and i also amw ith the father he has a great job makes very good money so all you stereo types shut up... Im actually maybe dont know for sure but expecting baby #2

Even though the United States is among those countries with a falling teen pregnancy rate, it still has by far the highest rate of teen pregnancy throughout the western industrialized world.

In 2000, the total number of teen pregnancies in the United States was 821,810 (84 pregnancies per 1,000 people). Compare this with Canada whose total rate of teen pregnancies for 2000 was 38,600 (38 pregnancies per 1,000 people). Many other western industrialized countries, such as Sweden and France, have even lower teen pregnancy rates than Canada. When compared to other countries, it easy to understand why the United States is considered to have a serious problem when it comes to teen pregnancy.

In the United States, the 18 - 19 year-old age group has the highest rate of pregnancy followed by the 15 - 17 year-old age group. However, 15 鈥?17 year-old pregnancy rates dropped by as much as 23% between 1992 and 2000, while the rate for 18 to 19 year-olds only dropped by 11%.
Talk about something so easy a caveman/cave woman can do...they would be better to have saved 15% on their car insurance.

But this ratio has risen. You can probably find the anwer in a 2009 almanac (when it comes out).

one out of four teens between the ages 14-19 will become pregnant. it was on a poster in my health class :)
Not really sure but the ration of teens that screw up their lives this way is 100%.
Be more specfic.. where are you wanting your statistics from? USA? Europe?

Try googling it :)

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