Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why do teenagers love to talk in dirty language?

Some are curious what would happen if they do.

Some just follow suit if their friends/influences do it too.

Some follow from their parent's path.

And some had done all of the above.

And had it as a habit.

Anyway, teenagers don't have a monopoly over curses though.Why do teenagers love to talk in dirty language?
Sometimes it is about a feeling of ';power';- they are able to talk this way when their parents aren't around, so they use the language as an expression of autonomy. I tell my children that using language like that makes you sound unintelligent and ignorant. My 8 year old refuses to even read outloud the word ';shut up'; in a book- she finds bad language offensive (and I hope it stays that way!) I think that if parents work hard to model for their children the way that they should talk, and talk about why bad language is inappropriate, offensive and takes away your intelligence appearance, children are more apt to shy away from using it as teens.Why do teenagers love to talk in dirty language?
defiance. testing boundaries.

But, it's not only teenagers who love to speak with sailors tongues.
I guess because you can understand it more.
to get attention to see how far you will let it go i gave my teens permission to say certain words when its just us at home but never in public and i explained that people who use words like that sound less intelligent then others i took them to the mall and we just sat and watch groups of teens and how they talk to each other after that they use allot less cuss words
Because they are teenagers and they like to rebel and also get attention from their parents. That and they think swearing is cool.
ohh i didnt know it was only teenagers that did that.
because it doesn't bother them. they care more about the package and less about the wrapping paper. why should they speak in baby talk just to not offend someone?
Probably makes them feel like grown ups...
because its easy to express their feelings
Teenagers speak vulgar language because of society. Often times they hear their parents foul language as a child and looking up to our parents can be influential in that sense. Then there comes school... there are children there that listen to it at their own homes and it becomes this never ending cycle. Parents also do not monitor what their children are watching on TV as much as they should. Children are very susceptible to influence and wanting to be like their peers. No one wants to seem an outsider and that just seems to be the cycle of life as sad as it is
Because I think They Like to Be Cool Around There Friends And Try And Show Off

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