Since I belong to that particular category (excluding the under achieving part) I wanted to know why is it that many black teens are under achieving. I've read it in books, newspapers and even on some certain websites. Is it the attitude that causes a degradation in their academic success? Or perhaps its even the attitude amongst ourselves? Or it may be something else.
This question isn't made to cause controversy (I'm black by the way).
And please no rude answers.
Good Luck~Why is it that black teenagers are under achieving?
Two factors jump out at me. Lack of Parental control and lack of viable role models. These two are really one in the same. Discipline and proper upbringings start in the home. If parents are absent or ill-equipped to raise children they aren't likely to rear well-adjusted and respectful members of society, let alone the black community.
Bad parenting leads young people to look for role models elsewhere, and all to often it's in the media. And NO ONE, regardless of race should really base their life on media examples (as even the most well-adjusted and inspiring individuals have flaws). I think that if we get back to being proactive, interested and supportive parents (across the board, not to suggest that many people aren't these kinds of parents) which could also mean waiting to have children, along with many other factors, we can get back to raising youths who want to achieve and want to do better for themselves, regardless of their color.
As someone who was raised surrounded by a ton of distractions (in my neighborhood) and has seen many relatives go the wrongs way, I honestly feels that it all starts in the home.Why is it that black teenagers are under achieving?
This is a pretty complex question for Y!A. There are many factors:
One is definitely social expectation. That is, if your family/community don't expect you to do well in school, get a productive job, buy a home, etc - you are less likely to do these things. You don't even realize it's possible for you. I've seen families that worked against kids who were trying to get themselves together for school or training. Amazing, no?
It's interesting to me that 50 -60 years ago racial discrimination was a huge obstacle and poverty was quite prevalent, but the literacy rate among African Americans was actually higher.
I think African Americans are splitting into haves/have nots. The number of middle class/upper middle class and wealthy is growing. The divide between them and the poor is getting bigger all the time.
It should also be noted that many of these problems are correlated to poverty. That is, poor people, regardless of ethnicity, tend to have higher dropout rates, higher teen pregnancies, higher crime.
A lot of black people believe they're supposed to be ';gangsta'; and such. If they dress nicely and study, they're considered to try and be white. I think that has a lot to do with it.
I happen to work at a high school in the inner city (Chicago) and see more black students that are on top of their stuff as far as academics, college/university seletions, being active in positive groups around the school, actually i come in contact with more black students that are on top of it than i come across the nuckleheads! When i talk to my students they want to do great things with their lives and i believe they will. Our negative behavior often times out weighs the positive actions that take place, and its really sad. Maybe you should surround yourself with more positive people Martin the Martian.
Probably because they have no respect or awareness of what black people fort for many years ago. Black people were hoed down and beaten in the streets while fighting for black peoples rights to education, yet some young black teens especially boys are dropping out of school and this is on the rise. Young black people today mostly are not even aware of black history because it is not part of the national curriculum, which is a real shame. In the UK black on black crime is rising and there seems to be no reverence for each other. Although this is only part of the problem, I truly believe that if it was compulsory for everyone to learn about black history we would see a lot of positive cultural change in society today.
Because society puts black people down so black people feel that they can't acheive. A person's environment also plays a major part. There are many black people throughout the UK who ARE high achievers, and I add that this isn't just education wise. There are many talented black entertainers, sports players for example. I know many other people other than just black people that aren't high acheivers.
i think people think blacks are underachievers is becuz they always see them getting into trouble instaed of doing something good and even if they did something good does anyone hear anyhting about it they dont. they only tell about them in gang fights or disrespecting others
I think because younger black teenagers feel like the world owes something to them. But it isn't their fault, they learned this behavior from their parents on so on and so on. Lots of them no longer strive to be doctors or lawyers, or other people that can help change the world. Many want to be drug dealers, pimps..anything that can give them the money they want as fast as they want it, isn't that what the media glorifies anyway?
Poverty. Lack of self-motivation and a sense of entitlement to the things that others who may be ';higher up'; on the socio-economic scale have. They may feel they don't have the right to the same methods of reaching the ';top'; as young whites or those of other races do. So instead they may stick to the long and unfortunate tradition of criminal behaviour as a means to gain status and money. Hip Hop culture seems to greatly exacerbate this way of thinking and behaviour for them.
i think it has alot to do with their parents. as a mom of 3 half african american and half hispanic kids i encourage my children to do well. maybe other kids don't have that, i just wish for them that they would understand how important they are and know their potential in the world.
That's a wonderful question Marvin. I think it's more of a question of why today's youth in general is underachieving though.
After working with underachieving youth for about 10 years, my theory is this: parents have to be part of their kids lives and push the child to achieve. If you have a parent that never graduated high school-- you are likely going to have a child in the same boat. Children become what they are brought up to be. I work with mainly criminals--mainly Caucasian--sadly enough, it is amazing that many of them are doing as well as they are considering the input of their parents. So, I think it is the fault of the parents mostly--secondary causes could be society not giving them a chance (and vice verse) and also they just have no motivation to improve their lives. I had a 14 year old morbidly obese child tell me his goal was to ';get a check every month';. that is what he learned from his parents....
the schools they're in
it is odd isn't' it, especially in a time when so many black people are in plain view as role models. we have a black man running for president! 40 yrs ago that would have been unheard of and you probably would have gotten your throat cut for even suggesting it. so many many talented, intelligent roll models yet the kids are still dressing like inmates? i just don't understand.
I think it's sort of an attitude among themselves. Which is funny considering black people have some of the best role models (Martin L. King Jr, George Washington Carver ). This is a very good reason for you to try to be the best role model possible for your sib's, and anyone else younger than you.
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